Sunday, June 29, 2008


Mmm, "Wanted" the latest summer blockbuster starring angelina and some new guy who kinda looks like shia le bouf. Pretty interesting and with acceptable action scenes i guess. I had numerous thoughts about this movie. It was a kinda weird movie with interesting ideas.

-The main character (who was a terrible character. he was kinda dumb and angry. but is it how anyone would feel in that situation. maybe??), along with the rest of the assassins all have this increased alertness you get like when youre on crack or something. It's what makes them super skilled because they can shoot wings off flies and curve bullets around objects. It takes incredible talent and practice to become that acute at shooting and it would indeed be impressive if there were those that could actually do this. Unfortunately, i haven't seen any...but i wish i have. Like some weird Cirque du Soleil act perhaps.

This "increased alertness" was related to the characters "anxiety" level where the character would become stronger when emotionally unstable. (like hulk) It would make them able to see bullets or anything moving at an incredible speed appear as objects floating in slow motion.

-The movie questions fate and belief. It touched on trust, destiny, the monotony of life, religion and all sorts of weird interesting issues. Self consciousness and how you want others to perceive you. I was high and i might have been over thinking a lot of shit. There was also a repeating motif of a new agent being used as a key for an assassination of that specific persons father. The main character was believed that the person who was assassinated in the beginning was his father, whereas his real dad was the person who assassinated that person. This "real dad" would later be killed by the father. (almost like oedipus where the kid kills dad) Also, the angelina jolie character (named Fox) was also used to trap her father into being assassinated. Ultimately it was because that person would be the only person the father wouldn't kill because he is their father. And what else? Who would you believe to be at fault?

anyways, go watch it if you have the chance. its kinda sorta weird but its a healthy fix for the mind.

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