Monday, September 17, 2007

Shh I'm trying to think here!

This is random, but i was thinking about the idea of the equilibrium between complete uniqueness and commonplace routine. Living life, where everything is unique would be one where all of your reactions are for the first time. Everything is "exciting" as it is the first time dealing with them. You get by from thinking on your feet with a basis of rationality derived completely from experience. If everything were unique, would anything be the same? Could a routine ever be established? Also, is any decision made on the spot in real time ever completely perfect?

In contrast, how about a world where everything is the same, over and over and over again... Is that boring? Perfect? mmm la la land? But then, before anything can become a routine, its always has its "de-virginization" and inauguration. Its one moment of being unique.
Hm, can a world full of routine and repetition be unique in itself? lol its an empty and faulty argument. I'm writing about nonsense.

I guess we sightread life, but we all practice our scales, arpeggios, techniques, and theory to be ready. Ready to audition. Interestingly, I think everything can be seen as an audition... I remember when someone compared life to one big college application.

What are we applying for? auditioning for? What are the ends? What are the means?

Ah, babbling about crap and useless things. Talk about wasting time hm? Maybe its the drugs talking.

I'm so disappointed about the chargers! Rivers' first pass was an interception. Great way to start off a game son. The defense gave up a lot of points, but they did make a stand for a possible comeback in the beginning of the 4th quarter. But another 3 and out, with a loss of 30 yards from sacks basically removed all hope i had left. Patriots are looking sick. A fucking powerhouse with moss, and a tom brady who seems to have eons to throw from a dominating O-line. Another super bowl for these guys, barring any injuries...
The chargers are young on both sides of the ball. In fact, id say that its a shame because LT is in his prime, but th team is probably 2 years from being super super good. Keep in mind that they had a complete coaching staff change and its going to take time to adjust. I dont know about norv turner, but shrug, in AJ smith we trust?

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