Friday, February 27, 2009


Realistic idealism ***
Valid during many months: This influence awakens your interest in unusual, out-of-the ordinary states of being and consciousness. You suddenly become aware that life has a deeper dimension than you have previously known, and you want to learn everything you can about it.

People react to these energies in various ways. If you are very much rooted in the material universe, regarding nothing as real unless you can touch it, you will become much more concerned about abstractions, principles that previously seemed too disconnected from the material world to be important. You may be surprised to discover that you actually do have ideals that you are willing to stand up for, even though you have always considered yourself a hard-headed pragmatist.

If you are among those who are less interested in purely material concerns, you will find your interests becoming even more spiritual. This influence can awaken an interest in the occult or in mysticism, and it is one of the times during which people begin studying astrology and related subjects. Any technique that helps open up a new aspect of the universe will attract you at this time.

A related but somewhat different manifestation is that you may become involved in movements of social reform. You see that the world does not work as it should, and you want to work very hard to improve the lot of people who are less fortunate. While your views at this time are inclined to be idealistic, your idealism is not totally removed from reality. You can work with a situation as it really is in order to bring about the changes you want. Your activities along these lines could range from the relatively conservative approach of working with the poor, ill or disadvantaged in hospitals or other such institutions, to working with groups that have much more revolutionary aims.

All i have to say is...yikes.

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